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Not Everything About Starting a Glamping Business Is Exciting

To legally develop and operate a glamping site, you need to acquire the necessary permits. It's not easy, and it's certainly not fun.

That's why we handle it for you.

We'll design your dream site according to your vision; apply for all the necessary permits on your behalf; and be your voice in discussions with the relevant authorities.

Our architectural team have years of experience in all of the above, and they specialise in glamping resorts. You couldn't be in better hands.

Permits, Permits, Permits

If there's one thing you should take away from this page, it's this: you need a permit to legally operate your glamping business.

We know it's boring and that you want to focus on the fun stuff, but the permitting stage is the most important part of your glamping setup journey.

It's the stage where you:

  • Commit to the style of glamping units you're using
  • Decide on the layout of your site
  • Designate spaces for access routes, parking, storage, reception, etc
  • Complete detailed technical and architectural drawings and design statements
  • Apply for permission to build from your city/count
  • Find out if you're allowed to continue pursuing your glamping dreams

What type of permit you need and to whom applications must be made vary by jurisdiction. Our zoning screening service is a cheap and quick way of answering these questions, and we recommend you commission a screening before starting the permitting stage.

A permit application isn't something that should be done from home. It requires experts who know what they're doing when it comes to site design, architecture and dealing with objections from neighbors and authorities. A homemade application will be laughed out the room.

Our Process

Our designers are seasoned experts with years of industry experience. We live and breathe glamping, which is why we’re perfectly placed to help you design a successful glamping site.

The first stage of a permit application is to produce a schematic design. We start by talking through your vision: asking what you’d like to see on your site, and whether you have any pre-existing ideas about how it should look and feel.

We’ll then sit down and start creating a plan that balances your vision with practical considerations about accessibility, the cost of development and the impact on your local environment. By the end of the process, you’ll have detailed drawings that form the backbone of your application.

Depending on your jurisdiction, we may be required to produce further drawings that go into greater depth on certain aspects of the development.

Once everything has come together, we'll submit detailed applications for the necessary permits that maximise your chances of approval. We'll also act as your representative when dealing with the relevant authorities.

Turn Your Ideas Into Something Tangible

  • Refine your vision
  • Separate the practical from the impractical with our experts
  • Get a clear idea of what your finished site will look like

It’s hard to get excited about an abstract idea, but seeing a tangible plan of your site makes it feel so much more real.

Sitting down with the drawings and designers will also give you space and time to further refine your vision. Maybe you’ll realise that you could fit some hot tubs into your site, or you'll decide that domes are a better fit than the yurts you thought you wanted.

This stage of the setup process is where crucial decisions need to be made, so it's important you work with the proper people to get it right.

Avoid Costly Mistakes

  • Spot potential problems before you break ground
  • Adjust your site layout to minimise development costs
  • Use our team's experience to ensure your plans are practical

Something as simple as the placement of a drainage system can have a huge impact on the cost of developing your site. Similarly, laying out your site to minimise the need for expensive development (e.g. centring the site on existing pathways) can reduce development time.

That’s why the initial design is such an important part of the planning process.

Get Your City/County Onside

  • Design a site that’s sympathetic to the local environment
  • Tweak and refine your plans to accommodate local rules
  • Work with, not against, the authorities and neighbors.

When you apply for permits, your local governing body will sit down to decide whether your proposed site fits with their vision for the area. They’ll look at everything from aesthetics to road access. Sometimes, they can be tough to convince.

Convincing cities and counties of your development's value is an art form that we're great at. Everything we say in our permit applications is crafted to be as compelling and persuasive as possible. We use all the tools in our armoury to get your project over the line.

Remove the Risk of Being Shut Down

  • Meet all the legal requirements to build on your land
  • Ensure your site can operate for years to come, without the risk of being shut down
  • Be safe in the knowledge that you're not one bad neighbor away from being put out of business

We've heard horror stories of people who think they can build without permission and have had the whole operation shut down when the authorities find out. You might think you can get away with it, but there'll always be a neighbor ready to turn you in.

Trust us, it's not worth trying to evade the legal requirements for starting a glamping business. You'd be risking wasting hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of dollars for the sake of some paperwork.

Just get your permits.

Not Ready to Start the Permitting Process?

It's not wise to jump straight into the permitting process, as it can be costly and extremely time consuming. That's why we always recommend doing some basic due diligence before getting started.

We offer a zoning screening service to solve this problem. Our zoning screenings analyse your land and your city's/county's zoning ordinances to find out what permits you may need, as well as assessing the likelihood of your local government allowing you to build a glamping site on your land.

Check Your Zoning

No Vision Too Big Or Too Small

The great thing about glamping is that it's still largely uncharted territory. There’s no right way to plan a site or use your land. Some people dream of setting up a 100-unit resort, while others want to create a secluded place for couples to escape.

Both visions are equally valid, and you shouldn’t feel pressured into designing a certain type of site. You should go with what you think your guests will want.

That’s why we go to great lengths to ensure that our site designs marry with your vision. Our expert designers have a wealth of experience, having designed every type of glamping site imaginable, and they’re more than happy to spend time getting to grips with your plans and creating something that resonates with you and your guests.

We also have the deep industry knowledge and connections needed to help you plan a truly modern glamping site that leverages the very latest research into customer satisfaction and staycation trends. As much as we care about creating beautiful sites, we never lose site of the bottom line.

Ready To Plan Your Site?

Just get in touch and we’ll start designing some concepts. 

This service is designed for people who’ve already got a feasibility study and intend to progress to the planning stage, but we’re always happy to talk to prospective site owners looking to launch a business, so whatever stage of the journey you’re on, don’t hesitate to reach out to a member of the Glampitect team.