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Recommended Glamping Pod Manufacturers: Yurt Maker UK

Written by Calum | Jan 11, 2021 10:50:00 AM

As a business involved in the Glamping industry, we are always looking for new glamping pod manufacturers who are different and unique from the standard. Glamping is growing at a faster rate than ever before, and with more and more people getting involved in the industry, we want people to choose glamping pods from the best of the best. 

Here at Glampitect, we have worked with many different glamping pod manufacturers over the years, including ones with different styles and designs for pods. Yurt Maker UK is one of our recommended glamping pod manufacturers with a very distinct range of pods, or “Yurts” as they are known for. 

In this article, we will discuss Yurt Maker UK, what makes them special and why investing in one would be beneficial for your glamping site or business.

The Story of Yurt Maker

Yurt Maker UK got involved with glamping after living under a yurt canvas for five years in their own little paradise. Their personal experience living the glamping lifestyle inspired their business to invest into Yurts and change the face of glamping in the United Kingdom as a glamping pod manufacturer. 

With a passion for glamping and yurts in general, they manufacture yurts of all different shapes and sizes but in particular large event yurts. They have an excellent technique in their development process and now build some of the best, high-quality yurts in the whole of Britain.

The Range of Yurts for Sale

Yurt Maker UK offers a range of yurts for sale as a glamping pod manufacturer that you can use for events, special occasions, glamping sites or even more. Here is the variety available on their website:

Tiny Yurt

These yurts are perfect for the kids, or for a getaway destination in your garden. Being only around 12ft, it is large enough for spending time with loved ones and for relaxation without looking overwhelming. In one of these, there’s fun for the whole family to be had.

Prices start from around £3,000.

Small Yurt

These small yurts are a bit larger than their tiny predecessor and gives you a bit more space to move around in. Perfect for camping out, or cozy glamping, they’re between 12ft – 16ft and are portable, so they can be moved around in a car or small van. 

Prices start from around £3,800

Big Yurts

These yurts are larger than usual, perfect for use in public areas such as an outdoor classroom, a visitors centre, a party space or even an outdoor cafe. With a height of around 24ft – 30ft, these are really large and will certainly serve a purpose at your glamping site.

Prices start from around £11,400.


Massive Yurt

You guessed it, these are even bigger than the big yurts! These are for professional yurt businesses and are perfect for glamping sites, camping areas and more. These are around 30ft – 50ft and are huge, guaranteed to make everything else look smaller. 

Prices start from around £19,000.

Thinking About Buying a Yurt for Your Site?

Having a yurt on your glamping site would certainly change things up. Many people when going glamping are looking for a more naturesque experience and staying in a yurt would give many the chance to see nature from a different perspective like no other. Buying a yurt from Yurt Maker UK, one of the leading glamping pod manufacturers would certainly be a wise choice.

A yurt for your glamping site is a selling point, and will give many an incentive to visit your business rather than others.

Need Assistance Choosing The Right Glamping Pod?

Choosing glamping pod manufacturers can be hard, but the step after that would be to choose the right glamping pod. You need a pod that suits your glamping site and your idea for an ideal business, which can be tough to figure out.

If you haven’t already, take a look at our Buying Glamping Pods free guide in order to help you through the purchasing process and assist you with choosing the right glamping pods for your business.